We are talking about morning anxiety, a condition that manifests itself in the morning, when we get up to start the day. Let’s find out the causes and remedies.
THE’morning anxiety it is one of the most common and complex psychological challenges, characterized by a deep sense of anguish that emerges at dawn, often accompanied by a range of physiological and psychological symptoms. Those who suffer from morning anxiety can feel immediate tension as soon as they open their eyes, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities and thoughts about the future.
An agitated awakening: the symptoms of morning anxiety
Unlike other forms of anxiety that manifest themselves in specific situations, such as performance anxiety, morning anxiety manifests itself immediately, when you wake up. The most common symptoms we can encounter are the following:
The entire symptomatology interferes with the quality of life, because it generates a feeling of continuous discomfort, in which one feels “out of place” compared to the rest of society, with inevitable repercussions on mood.
The causes of anxiety upon awakening
Morning anxiety can originate from multiple factors, each of which is linked to the inability to predict or know how to manage one’s future. Indeed, Anxiety often emerges from the need to exercise control over one’s existence: when faced with uncertainty, or an excessive load of responsibility, our brain can activate “anticipatory” anxiety. Those who are burdened with tasks and expectations – whether related to work, family or relationships – can waking up feeling overwhelmedas if the weight of one’s responsibilities collapsed entirely upon oneself at dawn, in the moment of awakening.
This type of anxiety can also be fueled by expectations of otherswhich can constitute a further factor of psychological pressure: constantly living up to the demands of the social and working context can lead to a form of self-repression, which manifests itself in the fear of failing and not being able to meet expectations.
The role of sleep and unconscious dynamics
During sleep, the brain goes through different phases of activity that affect our emotions when we wake up. During the night, the “rational” mind quiets down, leaving room for the unconscious to process unresolved thoughts and worries, and according to the psychoanalytic model, similar Unconscious processes can amplify repressed emotionswhich manifest themselves with a feeling of vulnerability right at the moment of awakening. As a result, people wake up overloaded with emotions and allow themselves to be overwhelmed by their fears, greeted with a particularly pronounced sensitivity.
Why does the discomfort ease in the evening?
Anxiety tends to decrease in the evening hours because, as the hours pass, our ability to control events becomes tangible. Completing the various daily activities, without particular complications, leads to a state of greater relaxation, where doubts and uncertainties are reduced: no catastrophic events have occurred, the objectives have been achieved, and this observation instills a semblance of relief and self-control . However, we must underline how temporary this sensation can be: the following morning, when you wake up, the anxiety will appear again, in a sort of “cycle” that repeats itself day after day.
Managing morning anxiety: preventative strategies
Counteracting morning anxiety is not easy, but adopting some practices can be useful to improve the quality of waking up.
An effective technique is to prepare a “mental map” of your thoughts: before going to bed, you can divide a sheet of paper into two columns, writing down practical concerns and, at the same time, the emotions related to them. The subdivision achieved favors a emotional detachment from concrete problemshelping the mind to recognize its fears without being overwhelmed by them.
The sensitivity of the issue: anxiety as a sign of growth
We must understand that anxiety represents an alarm bell and, at the same time, an indicator of how necessary a change is. The symptom of anxiety must not only be attenuated, but interpreted: it can be an invitation to reconsider habits, priorities and time managementand once this path of reflection has started, changes can be made that will guarantee a better psycho-physical balance, promoting a more fulfilling and peaceful life.
Pharmacological treatment and psychological therapy
Treatment for morning anxiety varies based on the severity of the condition. In severe cases, anxiolytic drugs can provide important support, but their use must always be supervised by a doctor, since inappropriate use can lead to dependence, if not a worsening of the clinical picture. Anxiolytics alleviate the symptoms, but do not resolve the root causes of the discomfort, which is why it is usually advisable combine any pharmacological therapies with a course of psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy allows you to explore the individual causes of morning anxiety, analyzing the triggering factors in depth: techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy help to identify and modify distorted thoughts, replacing them with more balanced and constructive patterns, allowing the patient to face the day with greater serenity.
When to contact a professional
If morning anxiety persists, taking on increasingly disabling connotations, which lead to a worsening of general well-being and the ability to carry out normal daily activitiesit is advisable to consult a psychotherapist or a medical specialist, who will be able to analyze the specifics of the case, provide an accurate diagnosis and possibly suggest a personalized therapeutic path.
Morning anxiety can become debilitating when it takes on chronic proportionstherefore it should not be underestimated: with the help of a professional it will be possible to learn to recognize and manage stress factors, finding new ways to live the day without that constant feeling of oppression.
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