The Le Torri di Tor Bella Monaca Solar Park will be built! The project was presented to the Chamber of Deputies in the summer of 2023 and, just a few days ago, the tender notice for the realization of this ambitious project was published, defined by Nicola Franco, president of the VI Municipality,
The only public solar park in all of Italy. A piece of history is being written.
The project is promoted by the Rome VI Municipality in collaboration with the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment. The park will have a capacity of 554 kilowatts, covering 95.5% of local energy needs and reducing CO2 emissions by 170 tons per year, with a saving of 135 tons of oil.
Furthermore, the President of Municipality VI underlines that the initiative represents a model of administrative decentralization, as it will be achieved thanks to a public-private partnership with the Engie company and an investment of 1.5 million euros. The project involves the use of municipal land for the production of energy, at no cost to citizens, and will allow residents to reduce energy costs by redistributing excess energy in the form of vouchers for the weakest sections of the population.
The plan also includes the installation of solar panels on the complexes of the “Melissa Bassi” school in via dell’Archeologia in Tor Bella Monaca and the creation of new green areas to capture up to 4,000 kilos of carbon dioxide in twenty years. The Botanical Garden of the University of Rome Tor Vergata participates in the project with an urban forestation plan which involves the planting of native species of the Mediterranean scrub, with a high capacity for accumulating CO2, thus contributing to the reduction of pollution and the improvement of microclimate. The selected species include turkey oak, Judas tree, ash, minor maple and Mediterranean shrubs with anti-smog properties.