Pompeii does not stop exciting: magnificent private spas emerged (for guests) in a domus

During the latest excavations in the Regio IX of Pompeiiarchaeologists have brought to light a private thermal complex of extraordinary size and refinement. It is an annexed thermal area to a domus Belonging to a family of the local elite, designed to combine the luxury of private life with the desire to exhibit power and wealth.

This complex represents one of the greatest examples of private spas Known in Pompeii, next to famous structures such as those of the Praedia of Giulia Felice and the house of the labyrinth. The thermal center is composed of different rooms: the calidarium (hot room), the tepidarium (lukewarm hall), the frigidarium (cold room) and a changing room (Apodyterium). In the latter, stone benches suggest that the environment was able to welcome up to 30 people.

Of particular relevance is the frigidariumcharacterized by a large peristyle of 10 meters per side, at whose center there is one monumental tub. The guests could relax in the spa before participating in the banquets that were held in the adjacent triclinium, known as the “black salon”, already emerged in previous excavations.

Domus designed to hit guests

This configuration confirms how the Roman houses were designed for impress and influence. Luxurious banquets, often preceded by thermal treatments, served not only to entertain, but also to consolidate political or social alliances. According to the director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, these occasions represented a sort of “show” where the landlord presented himself as figure of prestige and culture.

The decorations Present within the Domus further emphasize this scenic function. The paintings in II and III Roman style They depict mythological and athletic themes, recalling typical atmospheres of Greek culture. The combination of refined architecture, works of art and technical innovations, such as the heating system of the rooms and the movement of water, demonstrates the engineering mastery of the Romans and their taste for ostentation.

The excavation was conducted with Innovative techniqueswhich have made it possible to preserve unstable architectural structures. Thanks to this approach, the colonnade of the peristyle has been excavated without dismantlingallowing optimal conservation for future restoration projects. This discovery offers a new perspective on the social and economic life of Pompeii of the first century AD and on the central role of the Domus in the construction of the Roman social identity.