All ready for the Beaver Moonexpected November 15th. The flood phase will technically be at 10.28pm Italian time, therefore already in the dark. Weather permitting, therefore, the show will be visible to the naked eye (on the map the sky of November 15, 2024 at approximately 10.30 pm).
Why Beaver Moon?
This name, which, as often happens, is handed down by American tradition, was given to this full moon because in this period the beaver traps before the swamps froze, so as to stock up on warm furs for the winter. In another interpretation, however, the name derives from the fact that beavers prepare for hibernation in this period.
But this is not the only name: in fact this full moon generally arrives in a period that begins to be particularly cold in the northern hemisphere, hence the name Frosty Moonbut also Frost Moon.
The spiritual meaning
And it’s actually also known as Mourning Moonbecause the November full moon is spiritually associated with personal changeto internal reflection, to the possibility of letting go of old things to open up to the new, to the looming winter, and therefore in a certain sense to “death”, understood as the point and end of one’s life.
We are in fact in a moment in which time seems suspended between two seasonsexcellent for stopping to reflect on one’s life, on the desire to implement that “personal change” that has long been only imagined and never made concrete.
The full moon in November offers us the opportunity to prepare ourselves for future growth identifying the habits, relationships and ways of life to which we are firmly anchored but which no longer serve us. This lunar phase can give the push needed to start or change the stagnant parts of our lives.
And in reflecting on ourselves, let’s enjoy the show.
Source: Moongiant