The Museum of Marine Biology of Porto Cesareo comes back to life with a new interactive immersion in the biodiversity of the Mediterranean

There is excitement in Porto Cesareo! The “Pietro Parenzan” Marine Biology Museum of the University of Salento has reopened its doors after an important restoration work, presenting a new and captivating face. As the mayor enthusiastically stated Silvia Tarantino during the inauguration ceremony, “Today the ribbon cutting of another structure more beautiful, welcoming, immersive, inclusive and suitable for everyone!“.

Ten months of work have transformed the museum into an even more engaging experience for marine biology enthusiasts, tourists and families. The goal? Making knowledge of the sea and its creatures accessible to all, stimulating curiosity and awareness of the importance of its protection.

The restoration has revolutionized the visiting experience, making it more accessible and interactive. Goodbye to architectural barriers and welcome to new technologieswhich allow you to explore the collections in an autonomous and stimulating way.

The Museum of Marine Biology, founded in 1966 by Professor Pietro Parenzanis a real treasure chest of treasures from the sea. The collection, enriched over the years thanks to research and donations, has over 900 artefacts.

The museum houses a rich scientific heritage, with over 900 finds which testify to the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea. Among the most important:

  • a turtle carapace Caretta caretta
  • a monk seal (Monachus albiventer)
  • caudal vertebrae of sperm whale
  • a specimen of a double-headed shark
  • the turtle Dermochelis coriaceasymbol of the museum

The museum also houses the Algario “Irma Pierpaoli”, with over 700 finds of macroalgae, and the Ecological Malacological Collection, with thousands of specimens of marine molluscs

The restoration also made it possible to create new exhibition rooms, even more immersive and engaging. The Fishing Room offers a journey to discover the traditional fishing techniques of Salento, with a focus on the most common fish species. The Basking Shark Room, on the other hand, will give you an exciting face-to-face experience with a life-size model of this giant of the sea.

The Museum of Marine Biology is not only a place of exhibition, but also a important center for scientific research and dissemination. Thanks to the collaboration with the University of Salento, the museum promotes educational activities and research projects to study and protect the sea.

Ready to go?

The “Pietro Parenzan” Marine Biology Museum awaits you in Porto Cesareo, every day from 9am to 1pm, except Mondays, 25th December and 1st January. A unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the biodiversity of the Mediterranean and discover the wonders of the marine world.