The trial of Amarena’s murderer has begun (and already postponed), but the bear symbol of Abruzzo must have justice

The death of Amarena bear raised the voices of politicians, animal rights organizations and thousands of citizens. Killed in cold blood in San Benedetto dei Marsi, Amarena continues to live in everyone’s hearts, but it’s not enough. The one who took her life and the crime committed cannot go unpunished.

The trial began today against the accused Andrea Leombruni, who on 31 August 2023 shot an adult specimen of Marsican bear later identified as Amarena. Various animal rights associations, including LEAL and OIPA, have followed this terrible story, ready to declare themselves a civil party in the legal battle.

The preliminary hearing has been set for this morning at 9.30 am at the Court of Avezzano, and there are already some surprises. From a press note just shared by the OIPA we learn that, due to a matter of exception of jurisdiction by subject matter, the trial will take place before the single criminal judge instead of the current judge of the preliminary hearing.

Despite the postponement and the consequent anger, this new scenario From the beginning, the case aroused disdain and indignation, leading to demonstrations and events aimed at raising awareness among citizens and institutions towards greater protection of wildlife.

That protection also and especially starts from the law. Currently, Italian law provides for penalties ranging from 4 months to 2 years of imprisonment for crimes such as the one sadly involving Amarena.

The incident, which also involves the aggravating circumstance of cruelty given that the bear did not constitute any danger at the time, is not just an attack on a species at risk of extinction in Europe with an estimated population of 50-60 individuals.

Amarena’s death is a defeat for nature and for the coexistence actions undertaken in the area. Amarena, although now confident, had never created problems for the man. Man, on the other hand, does to bears.

Sources: LEAL – OIPA