There will be another six weeks of winter, Phil predicted it, the most famous marmot in America

Will be Still winter for about six weekshe predicted it Philthe most famous marmot of the USA, where this curious anniversary is celebrated, the Marmot day. The first day was celebrated in particular a Punxsutowney, in Pennsylvaniaon February 2, 1887, and it is still there that the party takes place, which attracts crowds of clubs and tourists.

A legend that crosses the centuries

As you read on the GroundHog Day website (the day of the marmot)the anniversary is also one legend that crosses the centurieswhose origins probably date back to ethnic cultures that awaken on specific dates.

Myths like this bind our present to the distant past, when nature really influenced our lives. February 2 is traditionally the day when the marmot comes out of its lair after a long winter sleep for seek his shadow.

He sees it, presumably frightens, returning to his den. Over the centuries this has been considered the omen of another six weeks of winter. On the contrary, if the day is cloudy and, therefore, without shadow, the marmot remains out and the legend says that therefore spring is coming.

The tradition of marmot derives from similar beliefs associated with our local Day of the Candelora And in the days of the first Christians in Europe, and for centuries the custom was to make the candles bless by the clergy and distribute them to the people.

Will it still be winter?

As in 2023 (but not as in 2024), this year Phil came out of the den and saw his shadow, then Another six weeks of winter await us.

Spring can wait, at least according to marmot.

Source: PunxSutowney Phil/Facebook