With schools having resumed for about 2 months now, the nightmare has also returned lice which can create considerable discomfort for children but also for their parents who must promptly resolve the situation. But once you have ascertained the presence of these unwelcome guests in your hair, what to do?
There are many on the market anti-lice products, but It is essential to choose treatments that guarantee concrete results to eliminate these annoying parasites and their nits. Between shampoos, lotions and special oils, it is important to inform yourself and opt for the most effective solutions.
A new test conducted in Switzerland helps us choose a good quality and truly effective shampoo.
The experts at But Santéa magazine dedicated to health and well-being, had it analysed 6 different anti-lice treatments from a specialized laboratory in Berlin, which however used body lice in its experiments. This choice was made because the lice that infest the scalp cannot survive outside the hair for long and are difficult to reproduce in the laboratory. Body lice have a very similar morphology and have therefore been considered a valid substitute for the test.
To evaluate the effectiveness of shampoos against lice, experts placed 30 lice in a container and applied the product, leaving it to act for 10-15 minutes. Next, the lice were rinsed with water or a mixture of water and shampoo to completely remove the product. A count of dead lice was then carried out after an hour and then again after a day.
To test the effectiveness against nits, however, 30 were placed in a container, to which the anti-lice product was added. After a 10-minute exposure, the nits were rinsed and stored in optimal hatching conditions. Twelve days later, the laboratory assessed how many of these eggs had given rise to lice.
The end result was clear: only two products achieved excellent results and one is considered good.
The best anti-lice shampoos
The best shampoo in the test wasXpress Hedrinwhich demonstrated extraordinary effectiveness: none of the thirty lice and thirty nits survived. It too 2 in 1 Anti-Brumm Shampoo by Elimax obtained a “very good” rating, with only one larvae hatching after treatment.
However, these are two products that are certainly not cheap, they cost 24 francs and 25 francs (over 25 euros) respectively for 100 ml. This amount is generally enough for two treatments on a child with shoulder-length hair.
Another option, 5 minute shampoo from Paranix (also found in Italy)got a “good” rating and costs a little less. This product killed all the lice, but allowed nine of the thirty treated nits to hatch larvae.
The other 3 products tested showed unsatisfactory results. The Puressentiell product eliminated only twenty-two of thirty live lice, and of the thirty nits treated, twenty-three gave rise to lice. Livsane Shampoo and Anti-Brumm Pure Power 2 in 1 Lotion also proved to be ineffective.
Other useful tips
In addition to recommending the best products, Swiss experts provide useful advice to parents dealing with lice.
Even if the treatments are found to be valid, it is critical run a lice comb through children’s hair after each application. In fact, not all lice come into direct contact with the product and the use of the comb helps to remove the surviving ones and nits, reducing the risk of new infestations.
Also pay attention to possible side effects: Anti-lice shampoos can cause itching and dryness of the scalp and some manufacturers also report the possible formation of dandruff. For this reason, experts recommend use these treatments only in case of confirmed infestationavoiding preventive applications that could irritate children’s sensitive skin and be ineffective.
Finally, in the case of lice, many parents believe it is necessary to wash all bedding and clothing. However, Swiss experts dispel this myth: head lice do not survive away from the scalp and need to feed on blood every four to six hours. Therefore, they cannot live on clothes, hats or pillows for a long time. Simply treating the baby’s hair is enough to solve the problem, without having to wash everything.