This sea snail is the only animal in the world that makes photosynthesis just like a plant

In the animal world there are extraordinary creatures, but few are as fascinating as Chlorotic Elysiaa sea snail capable of photosynthesisjust like plants. This emerald green marine mollusk, also known as Eastern Emerald Elysiadeveloped a unique strategy to survive: “I steal” the chloroplasts from the algae of which it feeds and uses them to produce energy from sunlight.

This ability, called kleptoplastychallenges the traditional divisions between animal and vegetable kingdom and represents an exceptional biological phenomenon that attracted the attention of the scientific community. But how exactly does this incredible process work?

How does photosynthesis work in a sea snail?

The extraordinary photosynthetic ability of Chlorotic Elysia it is made possible thanks to the interaction with a specific alga, Voucheria litorea. When the snail feeds on this seaweed, it does not completely digest it: instead it holds the chloroplaststhe cellular structures responsible for photosynthesis, and integrates them into the cells of their intestinal tissue.

Once absorbed, these chloroplasts remain active and allow the snail to exploit The energy of the sun to produce organic compounds useful for one’s own survival. In favorable conditions, some specimens of Chlorotic Elysia they can live Up to a year without the need for further nourishmentbased exclusively on photosynthesis.

This mechanism makes it a real solar animala unique case that questioned the boundaries between the plant and animal world. In addition to the energy benefits, Kleptoplasty offers a further benefit: the mimicry. The brilliant green color deriving from absorbed chloroplasts allows the snail to be perfectly confusing with the surrounding algae, reducing the risk of being identified by predators.

This adaptation is essential for its survival in the environments in which it lives, like tide pools and brackish swamps along the eastern coast of North America. Thanks to this strategy, Chlorotic Elysia It can hide among the algae and survive longer without having to look for food, a significant advantage in an environment where resources can be limited.

A scientific enigma

For years, researchers have tried to understand how it is possible that chloroplasts remain active so long inside the snail. In plants, in fact, these organels require continuous genetic support from the cell nucleus to work.

It has been assumed that Chlorotic Elysia had integrated some genes of the alga in its DNA through a process called Horizontal gene transfer (HGT). However, more recent studies have denied this theory: the analysis of the snail DNA has not revealed any gene from Voucheria litoreasuggesting that chloroplasts can work independently Thanks to mechanisms still unknown. This mystery continues to intrigue scientists and could provide new perspectives on bioengineering and the use of photosynthesis in other organisms.

The case of Chlorotic Elysia It is not only a biological curiosity, but it could have revolutionary implications. Study how this snail is able to keep chloroplasts operational without the genetic support of the alga could open new paths in the search on artificial photosynthesis and on renewable energy sources.

In addition, understanding the mechanisms of this process could help medical and biological science to develop new techniques of Genetic engineering And innovative biotechnologyperhaps even applicable to man. This incredible creature proves once again how much nature is rich in surprises and how evolution can lead to extraordinary solutions for survival.

Chlorotic Elysia It is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. His ability to synthesize solar energyhis Perfect mimicy And the scientific mystery that surrounds it make it an extraordinary example of evolutionary adaptation.

Scientists continue to study it to reveal all its secrets, but one thing is certain: this little green snail represents one of the most incredible mergers between the animal and vegetable kingdomchallenging the boundaries of biology and opening new scenarios for the future of science.