What does a robot cow makes us around New York? Made target those who wear leather garments

Petathe global organization for animal rights, recently launched a provocative campaign in the main cities of the United States, using a robotic calfspeered called charli xc cow To sensitize the use of animal skin in the fashion industry.

This innovative project aims to push people to reflect on the ethical and environmental consequences of their clothing choices. Charli XC Cow, an interactive robot powered by artificial intelligence, is in fact equipped with a 3D printed hyperrealistic head and wears a bandana with the message “Wear Vegan”.

The robot is designed for Identify leather articles like shoes, bags and jackets worn by passers -by, interacting with them directly and, sometimes, provocative. When identifying someone wearing leather, Charli launches impact phrases like “This bag was my sister!“, O” wear my mother “, accompanied by information on the suffering imposed on cows and the environmental impact of the leather industry.

The opposite welcome for those who opt for vegan materials

The response of the robotic calfskin changes radically with those who opt for vegan materials. In these cases, Charli celebrates the ethical choice with joyful dances and adorable gestureshow to form a heart with its articulated clogs. The children, in particular, find the fascinating robot, and charli encourages them with messages of kindness, such as “Kindness is really good for you!“.

The campaign was designed to create a dialogue around the use of the skin and to highlight the atrocity suffered by cows in the meat, dairy and leather industry. Charli has visited shopping centers and crowded streets in the city such as New York, Miami and Detroit, attracting crowds of curious and stimulating lively discussions. Among the most memorable stops there is the one at the Lincoln Road Mall in Miami, where the robot interacted with buyers in front of popular shops, earning the center of the scene.

This campaign shows that activism can be innovative and engaging. Peta uses Charli XC Cow to underline that cows are emotional and intelligent creatures, capable of forming deep bonds e suffer terribly when they are separated from their calves or exploited. With a mix of technology, creativity and powerful messages, this initiative hopes to be able to change consumer habits and promote a more ethical and sustainable lifestyle.