Yet another bear has been hit in Trentino, when will the wildlife corridors arrive?

On November 8th Autonomous Province of Trento reported in a statement that a bear had been hit by a car the previous evening along the SP18 dir, not far from the crossroads for Margonein the municipality of Vallelaghi.

The Trentino Forestry Corps intervened on site and, after an inspection with the dog unit, confirmed that the specimen had wandered away into the woods, therefore, it is presumed, without repercussions.

But there are almost no accidents between humans and wildlife anymore and it doesn’t always go well. It was in October hit a puppy and in August, unfortunately, an adult bear died following a collision with a car on the Sora-Avezzano highway, this time in Abruzzo.

Unfortunately it is a (sad) film already seen too many times, which screamsurgency of wildlife corridors and other measures for ensure public and wild animal safety. While in March the Chamber rejected the proposed amendment to the Highway Code for wildlife landscapes and deterrents for the movement of wild animals

What are we waiting for?

Source: Autonomous Province of Trento