Emerson Baysean eight year old girl waiting for a heart transplant at Boston Children’s Hospital, transformed his passion for pickles in a unique experience. Like many cardiac patients, Emerson followed a diet with liquid restrictionswhich often induces a craving for salty foods.
His passion for pickles caught the attention of the hospital staff and sparked a special initiative. Sarah Bryce, chef and head of the hospital’s culinary program, suggested Emerson to learn how to make pickles. Bryce said:
When I asked her if she knew how to make them, she said no. So I said to her: ‘What if we did it together?’.
Emerson’s eyes lit up at the idea. Over the next few days, Bryce organized everything necessary and taught the little girl to pickle various foodsfrom cucumbers to carrots, passing through onions, garlic and even watermelon.
Emerson threw a “pickle party”
The activity didn’t stop there: Emerson wanted to share his joy with others by organizing a “pickle party”. Patients, nurses and doctors participated, enjoying the different varieties of pickles and even lemonade served with ice cubes flavored with pickle juice. For Bryce, it was a special moment: “It was the best two hours of my life”.
Boston Children’s Hospital has demonstrated extraordinary dedication to making the hospital experience more human and joyful for small patients. Emerson’s mother, Allison Bayse, praised the staff’s approach: “They normalize the hospital experience, adapting it to the interests of children”.
Emerson herself has found creative ways to give back: she performs as a magician for the patients in the department and creates themed events, demonstrating a surprising ability to bring joy to others despite his condition.
For Emerson, pickling became much more than a culinary activity: it was a way to forget the difficulties and feel special. When asked what food she would choose to pickle, she responded enthusiastically: “Ketchup!” An extravagant idea, perfect for a little girl who was able to transform her passion into an experience of sharing and joy.