Christmas tree on internal stairs: it is easy to make and is one of a kind

The traditional Christmas tree is a great classic, but there are countless DIY alternatives such as wall trees, hanging trees (cat-proof), those made with recycled materials.

You may have seen countless of them but the tree we are presenting to you today is truly one of a kind, ideal for those who have internal stairs and want to enhance them for the holidays. It is not painted (as it might seem at first glance), but made from paper cut to size.

Christmas trees on internal stairs: creative ideas

Get some green and red gift paper or collage paper, take the measurements of the steps starting from the lowest.

Alternatively you can use gift cards decorated with various patterns, attaching them to the inside of the steps, always starting from the widest trapezoid.

Instead of trapezoids you can make rectangles of green cardboard, attach them with transparent adhesive tape and decorate them with golden stars and red circles.

Cute (but more difficult) is this tree made with paper decorations attached to each step: to give the right shape you have to start wider at the bottom and reduce the width from step to step.