Do you really know the usefulness of the symbols on your radiator? How to use them better to save money

Let’s face it: once upon a time, turning on the heating was a simple matter. All you had to do was turn a knob, and off you go, the room filled with warmth. Today, however, our radiators seem to have emerged from an accelerated course in home automation, full of symbols that look like hieroglyphics. Sun, moon, snowflake: I’m here to tell us something, but what? If you too look at your radiator panel like Indiana Jones faced with an ancient enigma, you are in the right place. Here is a little guide to decipher these symbols and use them best.

Sun: the king of comfort

Let’s start from the most immediate symbol, that of sun. On thermostats, it represents the mode comfortwhich guarantees a pleasant and personalized temperature. This program, in the most modern radiators, automatically adjusts according to the surface area of ​​the room. In less advanced models, it corresponds to the temperature set manually by the user. In short, the sun is your ally for maximum thermal well-being during the day.

Luna: when saving becomes simple

Let’s move on to moonsymbol of night mode or economical. This program reduces the temperature by 3-4°C compared to comfort, ideal for the night hours or when we are not at home. It can also be set to maintain a minimum heat level in less used rooms. An excellent solution to avoid energy waste without compromising comfort.

Snowflake: the guardian against frost

And then there’s the snowflakemode symbol antifreeze. This program maintains a minimum temperature of approximately 7°C, which is essential to prevent pipes from freezing during the winter. Perfect for those who are away from home for long periods: the snowflake guarantees safety and tranquility.

Cars and watches: technology at your service

Understanding the radiator symbols is not just a matter of curiosity: it means adopting a sustainable and intelligent approach to managing home heating. With a few precautions, you can live in a comfortable environment, reduce consumption and contribute to protecting the environment.