Let’s get ready, a rare and wonderful parade of planets awaits us, (almost) all visible in the sky at the same time

Next January 21st six planets of the Solar System will be all visible in the sky at the same time (although not all with the naked eye). The rare sight is truly worth a look skyward (best with a telescope). Let’s mark the calendar!

As he explains Star Walkthe event will be visible almost everywhere in the evening hours for several days, but January 21, 2025 is the date when the spectacle will be observable for most locations in the world.

Here in Italy the best time slot is around 7.30pm, when the six planets will be above the horizon, in particular Jupiter, Mars And Uranus to the south – south-east, while Venus, Saturn And Neptune to the west – south-west (on the maps le portions of the sky January 21, 2025 at approximately 7.30 pm).

planetary alignment January 2025

But part of the show will also continue in the following hours, because the south-eastern part will still have the planets visible (on the map the sky of January 21, 2025 at approximately 9.30 pm).

planetary alignment January 2025

However, we remind you that for the viewing of Neptune And Uranus you need a telescopewhile to appreciate better Saturnalthough theoretically visible to the naked eye, it is preferable to have at least one good binoculars.

Don’t miss it!

Source: Star Walk