Starting this month, theBellaria hospital in Bologna will launch an innovative initiative in the treatment of cancer patientsintroducing the pet therapy as an integral part of their treatment path. The project, called “4 legs for life: Pet therapy alongside cancer patients”, is the first in Emilia Romagna to involve specially trained animals to support sick people within a hospital facility.
Pet therapy will aim to improvement of psychological well-being of patients, helping to reduce anxiety and stress, thanks to the presence of dogs and cats who will actively participate in the sessions. Every week, patients in the oncology day service, who are undergoing long-term treatments, will participate in two-hour sessions, led by experts in the field of Animal-Assisted Interventions (IAA).
During these sessions, patients will be able to pet and play with animalspromoting relaxation and stimulating the production of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes psychological well-being. This intervention could prove to be an important resource for tackling the difficult path of oncological disease, as it promotes greater serenity.
The aim is to humanize cancer care
The project is carried out in collaboration with associations Onconauti and ChiaraMillawho boast decades of experience in psychological support for cancer patients and in animal-assisted interventions.
The two associations, with the support of the Bologna Local Health Authority, have worked to integrate this type of therapy with traditional medical care, aiming for a holistic approach that considers the patient not only as a person with an illness, but also as an individual who needs emotional and psychological support.
According to Stefano Giordani, scientific director of Onconauti, the positive effects of pet therapy are not limited to patients. The presence of animals, in fact, contributes to reduce stress even among doctors and nursespromoting a more relaxed and peaceful working environment.
This project marks an important step forward inhumanization of oncological treatmentstrying to improve the quality of life of patients and healthcare professionals. To guarantee the sustainability of the project, the Onconauti and ChiaraMilla associations have launched a fundraising campaign, also offering dog consultancy and other beneficial activities for donors.