Photovoltaic: how to protect solar panels from freezing and guarantee efficiency even in winter

Choose high-quality and certified solar panels

The first step to protecting photovoltaic panels from adverse weather conditions is to opt for products made from durable, high-quality materials. UL 61730 or IEC 61215 certified panels, for example, undergo rigorous resistance tests against frost, snow and even hail. These panels are designed to withstand extremely low temperatures and snow accumulation, preventing structural damage.

Keep panels clean and free of snow

During the winter months, one of the most common problems is the accumulation of snow on the surface of the panels. Snow blocks the sun’s rays and prevents the panels from working properly. To resolve this situation, it is important to remove it delicately using soft brushes or specific tools that do not damage the glass. There are also hydrophobic coatings and non-stick sprays that make the snow slide easier, preventing it from accumulating. Alternatively, some more advanced solutions involve the installation of integrated heating systems, which melt the snow automatically thanks to small electrical resistors. This technology, although more expensive, is ideal for those who live in areas with frequent snowfall.

Adjust the inclination of the panels

An optimal angle of the panels not only guarantees greater sun exposure in the winter months, but also reduces snow accumulation. Panels installed at an inclination of at least 30-40 degrees allow the snow to slide down more easily, avoiding heavy loads on the surface.

Furthermore, automatic adjustable angle systems are a great solution for adapting the orientation of the panels based on weather and seasonal conditions.

Protect the panels with specific covers

If particularly severe weather conditions are expected, such as hail storms or severe frost, protecting the panels with temporary covers can be an effective solution. The rigid covers absorb the impact of hailstones and prevent the formation of layers of ice, while the metal mesh protects the panels without blocking the passage of sunlight. This type of additional protection is especially useful in times when climatic events become unpredictable.

Periodic monitoring and maintenance

Furthermore, correct maintenance is essential to ensure the optimal functioning of photovoltaic panels during the winter. Regularly monitoring energy production allows you to promptly identify any drops in efficiency due to snow, ice or technical problems. It is also important to periodically inspect the cables and connectors, as frost can compromise their functioning. Relying on specialized technicians for in-depth checks helps prevent failures and guarantee the life of the system.

For those who own hybrid or solar thermal systems, the use of antifreeze liquids in the circuits is essential, there are solutions based on ethylene or propylene glycol that prevent the pipes from freezing and ensure the correct functioning of the system even in intense cold conditions.

Finally, for complete protection, it is advisable to take out an insurance policy against weather damage. Specific policies for photovoltaic panels cover events such as hail, snow and strong winds, reducing the economic burden of any repairs or replacements. Before taking out insurance, it is always a good idea to carefully read the clauses to verify the actual damage coverage.

Protecting photovoltaic panels from frost and bad weather is not only a question of energy efficiency, but also of long-term investment. With the right precautions, such as the purchase of quality panels, constant maintenance and adequate protection, it is possible to guarantee maximum performance even in the coldest months. Winter is not an obstacle to the production of clean energy: with care and attention, the sun will continue to shine, even under the snow.