Rosa Sara Huamán Rinza, the Quechua woman who has always fought against mining on the soil of her community

Rosa Sara Huamán Rinza49 years old, is a Quechua leader who represents the struggle of the community of San Juan de Cañaris, located in the Andean region of Lambayeque, against mining projects. His battle began in 2009, when the Canadian mining company Candente Cooper put forward a plan to mine copper on community territoryputting the local ecosystem and community life at risk.

Born in Cañaris, Rosa moved with her family to Chiclayo during childhood for study purposes. Returning to her homeland at 12 years old, she committed herself to relearning Quechuaan essential language for communicating with the community.

After working as a teacher and promoter of literacy programs, Rosa moved into social leadership, becoming secretary for women’s affairs on the community board of directors in 2010. It was a crucial period: it turned out that over 96% of the territory of Cañaris had been granted a mining concession.

There are many other initiatives in which he took part

In 2012, a popular consultation saw 97% of the community reject the mining projectbut the opposition was not enough to stop the pressure. Rosa undertook to coordinate mobilisations, strikes and awareness-raising actionsbuilding alliances with grassroots social organizations to bring Cañaris’ voice to a wider audience. The 2013 strike culminated in incidents of police violence, with numerous protesters injured.

In the years since, Rosa has maintained her opposition to mining, fearing the devastating impact on local water, forests and agriculture, essential to the community’s survival. At the same time he led alternative initiatives, such as the Warmikuna Awakun Shumaqta artisan associationwhich enhances the cultural heritage of Cañaris through the production of traditional fabrics.

Despite pressures and attempts to delegitimize her role, Rosa continues to represent a point of reference for her community. With the support of the women of Cañaris, works to promote sustainability and raise awareness among new generations about the importance of protecting the land. His fight against Alta Copper Corp’s new mining initiatives, scheduled for 2025, makes it clear how determined the community is to defend its autonomy and its future.