A meeting has been announced for Friday 8 November new national strike of local public transport lasting 24 hours, without warranty bandsby the unions Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, UilTrasporti, Faisa-Cisal and Ugl Autoferro.
The reason? The renewal of the Ccnl Autoferrotranvieri. But let’s see what it is specifically about and what inconveniences await us.
The note that immediately catches the eye is that the strike, unlike previous times, does not provide for the guarantee of service in the time slots that protect the mobility of travelers (a possibility provided by law only once during a national dispute).
In any case, the The strike guarantor has made it clear that even in the absence of guarantee bands, “minimum transport services” must still be guaranteed. Particularly in the time slots “urban and extra-urban transport services will be ensured through the use of 30% of the traveling staff“.
So let’s see point by point.
Rome, Atac strike
In Rome the agitation affects the Atac network, including the lines managed by other operators on behalf of Atac and the peripheral lines managed by Autoservizi Troiani/Sap and Autoservizi Tuscia/Bis.
The company has identified some essential services that it will guarantee during the strike in the traditional legal periods (from the start of daytime service at 8.30 am and from 5 pm to 8 pm):
HERE all the details.
Milan, Atm strike
Even in Milan it seems that the subways and only some surface lines are guaranteed at certain times.
HERE all the details.
Naples, Anm and Eav strike
According to what is specified on the ANM website, the strike involves limited service in some time slots.
Details HERE.
Thus the EAV specifies that during the strike hours the performance of the journeys is subordinate to the number of workers participating in the strike.
HERE are the details for the EAV.
Turin, GTT strike
Also to Turin the local public transport company stops Gttwhich defined the stop methods, which differ depending on the urban and extra-urban service.
Read HERE.
Bologna, Tper strike
Which instead says:
Since guarantee bands are excluded, urban, suburban and extra-urban public transport services in the Bologna and Ferrara basins will not be guaranteed for the entire day of Friday 8 November.
Even the “Marconi Express” service, due to the workers joining the strike, may not be guaranteed for the entire day.
HERE is the Tper website.
Florence, Gest and Tuscan Autolinee strike
Same goes for Florence. HERE are the times for Tuscan bus lines and HERE for the GEST tramway.
Train strike
The national strike on Friday 8 November being a trade union blockade exclusively limited to local public transport, employees will not fold their arms nor Trenitalia nor Italian.