Sometimes our four-legged friends surprise us by making sounds that we would never expect from them. Dogs sighing? Well yes: every now and then our four-legged friend takes long, deep breaths. These sighs, which are appropriate in a Romeo and Juliet drama, could make us worry a little. But why does the dog sigh? Well, there are several causessome not worrying, others that require a little more attention.
Sigh in the dog: what is it?
The sigh of canids is identical to the sighs we make. It is adeeper inhalation of the average followed by an eslower and more emphasized expiration. From a medical point of view, what happens when we sigh is that we introduce more oxygen into the body, in order to guarantee greater energy to the cells and organs. We also eliminate more carbon dioxide at the same time.
Dogs that sigh: the causes
There are several reasons why a dog sighs:
If you suspect your dog is sighing due to anxiety or pain issues, contact your dog right away veterinarian. Be careful, then, not to confuse a simple sigh with attitudes of hunger for air: the dyspneai.e. difficulty breathing, is very different from sighs and usually indicates serious problems (pulmonary edema due to heart failure, thoracic effusion, laryngeal collapse, severe anemia…).
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