Another independent bookshop in Milan “emptied”: 155 books purchased (thanks to a splendid initiative)

In Milan an extraordinary gesture of solidarity involved the independent bookstore Aim for the Moonlocated in Corso Lodi. One woman, who chose to remain anonymous, has purchased 155 books displayed in the shop window.

Behind this episode there is an initiative with profound meaning: the volumes they will be donated to the schools twinned with the bookshopenriching school libraries and promoting a love of reading among young people.

A gesture that is placed within the movement #emptyawindowforaschoolpart of the national initiative #ireadwhypromoted by the Italian Publishers Association (AIE). This project invites citizens to donate books to school libraries through participating bookstores, with the aim of spread the culture and education of reading from childhood.

There are already 11 bookstores “emptied” and the next one will arrive shortly

The booksellers of Aim for the Moon they recounted the episode on social media, expressing gratitude for an act which, in their opinion, demonstrates that beauty exists and must be shared. As mentioned, the gesture is not isolated, but represents one of the many examples of generosity that are multiplying throughout Italy.

The initiative Empty the showcaselaunched by Daniela Nicolò after a similar event that took place last August at the historic one Hoepli bookshop in Milanis inspiring many. Since then, several bookstores, both in large cities and in small towns, they have saw their empty windows for a noble purpose: promoting reading and supporting schools.

The tally is currently up to 11 and includes bookstores in various cities: Milan (I Baffi, l’Antifone, Alaska and Libri sotto casa bookshops), Bologna (Baak bookshop), Bari (Laterza), Prato (Gori bookshop), up to small local businesses such as Cantù (iBooks ) and Pomigliano d’Arco (Wojtek).

The library Aim for the Moonopened a few months ago and specializing in children’s books, is now part of this solidarity movement. The donation of 155 books will be distributed among the schools in the neighborhoodwith an eye to those that have demonstrated a particular commitment to promoting reading by supporting schools and at the same time highlighting the importance of independent bookshops as places of culture and aggregation.

The episode is an invitation to everyone to follow the example, contributing, even with small gestures, to spread the value of books. The hope is that more and more bookstores will see their windows emptied for such a special reason, making books a bridge towards a more aware and cultured future for the new generations. And apparently the next “blow” is already in sight given that Daniela Nicolò, the promoter of the movement, has announced that another one will soon be emptied, in the Verbano area.